Encryption and hashing: what's the difference - ioblogs

encryption of data
encryption and hashing

Data encryption vs hashing

Data encryption vs hashing let go straight to the point and cut the long story short encryption, hashing are both used for data security, privacy and authenticity. however, the difference between this two is quite short and i would love to discuss on it

Popular Hashing algorithm mostly used are blowfish, sha1, sha256, md5 etc.

Therefore we also have few popular encryption algorithm like AES, Blowfish, RSA etc.


Encryption Hashing
Use of key is allowed in encryption it is because, The use of key is not allowed
Security of data Verification of data
It is reversible by using appropriate key It cannot be reversible to it original form

Hashing algorithm is mostly, used in password security.

hashing is a one way process i.e to say hackers or the owner of website cannot even reversed it. But, why do people still manage to hack account when all this security measures are intact and still working till date. In this way, it is very important that you Firstly hashed the passwords before storing inside the database.

while that of encryption is a two process i.e to say a person with the key can decrypt the message in other to see what written inside of it. but still some organisation use both hashing and encryption to keep password save on their database.

when it comes to protection of data i would love to say encryption algorithm is the best. because there are still many possibilities that your password can still be known to hackers.

For instance in hashing algorithm. Therefore the hackers could selects millions of random words. and run hash function on each and every words. After that he would try to compare it with a list of hash gotten from a website. Which we called "rainbow table". that is no more useful again due to addition of salt to password before hashing.

however, comparing data is just a small task for a computer to do now a day

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